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Copper is the new Gold

6 min reading time

Copper stands as a pivotal mineral in the automotive industry, finding ubiquitous application in the wiring harnesses market. The demand for copper is poised to experience significant growth, primarily fueled by the megatrends of electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous vehicles. According to global reports, the automotive sector's copper demand is projected to reach 5 million metric tons (1MT = 1 billion kilograms) annually by the year 2034. While autonomy and electrification will be the primary drivers of this surge from current levels, it is noteworthy that the wiring harness component will continue to dominate the overall demand for copper.

The wiring harness serves as the automotive equivalent of a central nervous system, intricately connecting the car's various components such as sensors, actuators, lights, and more to the vehicle's central processing unit. Within this intricate network, each component necessitates multiple wires for both communication and power delivery. The increasing complexity of modern vehicles, housing a myriad of sophisticated features, has resulted in a significant expansion of wiring harness intricacy. In contemporary automobiles, where hundreds of wired components are commonplace, the wiring harness has evolved to incorporate thousands of individual wires, collectively spanning kilometers in overall length.

Certain industry leaders, Tesla among them, are actively engaged in optimizing vehicle networking by reducing system redundancy, eliminating thousands of meters of cables, and shedding kilograms of weight per vehicle. This optimization is facilitated by a shift in system architecture. Tier 2 suppliers like NXP anticipate the emergence of a zonal architecture approach, wherein wired components are grouped based on location rather than function. This approach holds the promise of eliminating redundancy in the wire harness. However, experts in the industry emphasize that fully capitalizing on the advantages of zonal architectures requires a shift towards a harness-first mindset, prioritizing wiring considerations rather than treating them as an afterthought. Copper consumption in vehicles faces multiple challenges, with optimization being just one aspect. Substitution with aluminum, the adoption of 48V systems featuring smaller gauges, and the implementation of wireless communication technologies all contribute to the reduction of copper in wiring harnesses. Despite these factors, countervailing influences include the growing complexity of vehicles and the increasing size of popular SUVs, which help sustain copper demand.


Forecasts for copper usage in the automotive sector underscore how these opposing factors will evolve over the next decade and their cumulative impact on copper demand. Notably, electrification emerges as a significant driver for copper demand in cars. Copper finds widespread use in electric vehicle powertrains, from the foils within each battery cell to the windings of electric motors. On average, each electric vehicle can contribute to over 30 kilograms of additional copper demand, making electrification a substantial boon for the copper industry in the automotive sector.


The demand for copper in electric components is poised for change, influenced by evolving lithium-ion chemistries and technologies. Future advancements in these technologies are expected to impact the copper intensity of cells, with higher-energy cells generally exhibiting lower kg/kWh copper intensities. In the realm of electric motors, recent shifts in market interest are notable, particularly concerning the volatility in neodymium prices. This has led to a renewed focus on permanent magnet-free motors, with examples like wound rotor synchronous motors. In these motors, the conventional permanent magnet is effectively replaced with copper electromagnets, resulting in nearly double the copper intensity compared to regular permanent magnet motors. These developments signify a dynamic landscape in which copper's role in electric components is subject to ongoing transformation and adaptation.

THE i4
THE i4

The surge in Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) features and the progression towards autonomous driving represent additional trends that will fuel increased demand for copper in vehicles. These systems rely on a comprehensive suite of sensors, including cameras, radar, and LiDAR. Each of these sensors contributes to additional wiring within the vehicle and employs copper in their internal circuit boards. While the copper content per sensor may be relatively small, typically just over one hundred grams, the cumulative copper demand becomes substantial for highly automated vehicles equipped with tens of sensors, amounting to a few kilograms in total.

Leading the field, Waymo, and other players in the robotaxi sector, commonly utilize around 40 sensors in their vehicles. Although highly automated vehicles are expected to constitute a minor portion of car sales in 2034, the widespread adoption of level 3 technologies over the next decade will be a significant catalyst for increased copper utilization in ADAS and autonomous features.